Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Miami: Nation’s 4th Largest School District Dumps Most Year End Tests

Blog by +Wanda Dorn    #wandascafe

The Black Home School.com

Miami: Nation’s 4th Largest School District 

Dumps Most Year End Tests

It's about time our politicians and leaders looked at this issue with a new lens.

Kudos to Governor Rick Scott for his vision.  

These tests that are so punitive to teachers and administrators do not test the success of a teacher.  

Building more schools so that teachers have fewer students in their classroom is a more effective tool for successful students.  Most schools often have somewhere near forty students to a class, when they should probably have under twenty.  This will allow teachers to give more attention to a student that is at risk of failing. 

Tests do not always show what a student knows, because, as we all know, some people don't test well.  The teacher in the classroom is the best judge of when a student is at risk.

Some say teachers are out during the summer and holidays, so they have it easy.  What parent have it easy raising their own children that they know, let alone a teacher in the classroom who has to get a quick assessment of each of the (forty) students (each class) thrust at them twice a year.  Let alone the time they have to spend disciplining or asking for assistance in disciplining students.  Some students can be a disciplinary challenge.

Teachers are required to have certain degrees and credentialing, but make less money than almost anyone in other fields requiring the same degrees and amount of education.

When are we going to respect our educators again?  That's the key to better schools; that and smaller class sizes.

What young person would want to go into the field of education today as a career?  Any wonder we have a shortage of teachers?

This article and Governor Scott's concerns gives me hope!

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